For eye glasses non-lovers
Contact Lenses
For who are they?
There are contact lenses solutions for almost any eye problems.
Lenses types
Daily or monthly, for medical reasons or just for cosmetic ones.
Why choose them
Because some people just don’t like wearing glasses, or don’t suit their lifestyle.
How it works
You tell us your need and we find the perfect solution for you.
When you prefer not to wear glasses
Sometimes life’s just easier without glasses. Our range of contacts promote not only excellent vision but you can choose them to fit in with your life. From daily disposables to custom made for longer-term use, today’s advanced technology means that there is almost certainly an option to suit you. Contact lenses are constantly being improved and updated. Using revolutionary materials, which allow increased oxygen permeability and superior comfort on the eye. Of course we will be more than happy to explain and to go through each option with you to find your perfect match!
With continuous development in contact lenses almost everyone who needs eyesight correction can now wear contact lenses. So whether you are short sighted, long sighted or astigmatic you can now enjoy wearing contact lenses. There are also multifocal options for those who need different lens powers for distance and close work or only have reading glasses.

Contact lenses categories
Have a look at our Contact lenses Collection
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